- about
- 9base/
- blind/
- dmenu/
- farbfeld/
- ii/
- lchat/
- quark/
- scroll/
- sent/
- sic/
- slock/
- patches/
- alternate colors/
- auto timeout/
- background image/
- blur pixelated screen/
- capscolor/
- colormessage/
- control clear/
- custom password/
- dpms/
- dwmlogo/
- dwmlogoandblurscreen/
- failure command/
- foreground and background/
- foreground image/
- keep screen/
- mediakeys/
- message/
- multi image/
- multi shapes/
- noxbell/
- pam auth/
- passthrough/
- quickcancel/
- secret password/
- showtime/
- squares/
- terminalkeys/
- unlock screen/
- user/
- xresources/
- patches/
- slstatus/
- tabbed/
- x/
For instructions on how to submit and format patches, take a look at the hacking guidelines.