Its very easy to write shell script based bots with ii. As a short example look at this:
tail -f \#<CHANNEL>/out |
while read -r date time nick mesg; do
printf "%s: WHAT??\n" "$nick"
done >#<CHANNEL>/in
Its just spamming a channel but I guess your imagination is boundless. I also heard about people using it together with nagios to get the notifications into IRC. Remember to strip input for example with tr(1), tr -cd "0-9a-zA-Z" for example would only allow numbers and characters.
If you want to see a live demonstration of a bot written for ii, join #grml on freenode, the grml-tips bot which searches for grml tips and gives a link or error messages is written in 45 lines of /bin/sh. No, I will not publish the code since I really suck in shell programming :)
Stat scripts
If you want to use for example pisg to generate channel stats this will also work if you choose the irssi log format.
Automatic reconnects
If you want some kind of automatic reconnects in ii you can make a something like this in a shell script:
while true; do
ii -s -n iifoo -f "John Doe" &
sleep 5
printf "/j %s\n" "#ii" > ~/irc/
wait "$iipid"
bots for irc it (ii)
iibot by c00kiemon5ter is written in bash, but can easily be translated to plain sh (ask him).
It uses a main script to connect to multiple servers and channels, and auto-reconnect and auto-join on network failure.
It reads commands with a leading '!' and calls a secondary script to handle the command and the responce. That way commands can be added or removed dynamically. The secondary script knows the network, channel, nick and message that triggered the command, so it is easy to filter responses to commands to specified channels, users and such.
if you need help, do not hesitate to ask c00kiemon5ter on freenode and oftc.
Simple Perl script "" as interface between Nagios and ii:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $users = "your_nickname(s)";
my $pipe = "$ENV{HOME}/irc/your_irc_server/#your_channel/in";
my %color = (
red => "\0034",
purple => "\0036",
yellow => "\0038",
clear => "\00315",
blue => "\0032\002",
green => "\0033",
normal => "\0031",
open(PIPE, '>', $pipe) or die "Can't write to $pipe: $!";
while (<>) {
s/Host [a-z0-9_.]+ is down/$color{red}$&$color{normal}/i;
s/Host [a-z0-9_.]+ is up/$color{green}$&$color{normal}/i;
print PIPE "$users: $_";
The appropriate Nagios configuration looks like this:
# 'notify-by-irc' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-by-irc
command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$TIME$ $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ $HOSTNAME$/$SERVICEDESC$ $SERVICESTATE$ $SERVICEOUTPUT$\n" | /home/nagios/bin/
# 'host-notify-by-irc' command-notification
define command{
command_name host-notify-by-irc
command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$TIME$ Host $HOSTALIAS$ is $HOSTSTATE$ -- $HOSTOUTPUT$\n" | /home/nagios/bin/
Start ii appropriately and add notify-by-irc and host-notify-by-irc to the appropriate "service_notification_commands" and "host_notification_commands" -- and you have your own Nagios IRC bot.
Just piping the output of rsstail into the fifo "in" should work. More detailed examples are welcome.