9base is a port of various original Plan 9 tools for Unix, based on plan9port.
It currently contains the following original (no source changes) shell commands from Plan 9 for Unix:
- ascii
- awk
- basename
- bc
- cal
- cat
- cleanname
- cmp
- date
- dc
- du
- dd
- diff
- echo
- ed
- factor
- fortune
- fmt
- freq
- getflags
- grep
- hoc
- join
- look
- ls
- mk
- mkdir
- mtime
- pbd
- primes
- rc
- read
- sam
- sha1sum
- sed
- seq
- sleep
- sort
- split
- strings
- tail
- tee
- test
- touch
- tr
- troff
- unicode
- uniq
- unutf
It also contains the Plan 9 libc, libbio, libregexp, libfmt and libutf. The overall SLOC is about 66kSLOC, so this userland + all libs is much smaller than, e.g. bash (duh!).
- 9base-6 (20100604)
- git clone https://git.suckless.org/9base
9base can be used to run werc instead of the full blown plan9port.